Recycled PET

At Reecolife we’re all for lowering our carbon emissions wherever we can....

Using recycled plastic drink bottles is a great way to use an already existing resource that would otherwise go to landfill or end up in our environment. Recycled plastic drink bottle fabrics, known as rPET have one of the lowest fabric carbon emissions around and we are proud to be using it in our products.

By recycling plastic drink bottles, we can reduce the damage plastic waste does to Marine life, thereby protecting the Earth's environment on which we depend. On the other hand, companies can save a lot of costs by recycling plastic waste into recyclable raw materials. As the end consumer will also benefit from this circular environmental life, which is a lot of things. Recycled PET looks, feels, and performs the same way as its crude oil counterpart, while also keeping those bottles out of our landfills. It’s really a win-win and let us produce sustainable bags!



One Recycled PET Shopping Bag


12 Bottles

So far, we’ve saved more than


Plastic bottles from landfill (and counting!)

Future vision

"The major trend of textile raw materials in the future - RPET.


Get in touch.

Let's talk about your RPET project!

Contact Info

Your Customized RPET Shopping Bags are Produced By Professional And Trustworthy Manufacturer

Frequently asked questions

 Products made from recyclable plastic bottle materials are products made from recycled plastic bottles. These products include clothing, bags, furniture, toys, and many other products.

Products made from recyclable plastic bottle materials are made by recycling plastic bottles and turning them into new products. The plastic bottles are cleaned, shredded, and melted down before being molded into the desired product.

 Yes, products made from recyclable plastic bottle materials are durable. They are made from high-quality recycled plastic that is strong and long-lasting.

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